The Birth Mandalas book includes mandala art, a guided visualization and thought provoking exercises for an empowering childbirth experience. A birth mandala is sacred art for childbirth. The mandala appears from a dark background, like the baby emerging from the darkness of the womb into the light.
Enjoy creative processes that access the subconscious. The way childbirth is perceived influences labor and birth. Subconscious beliefs, formed from what you've seen, heard or experienced, can either sabotage or affirm your conscious intentions. Learn how to effortlessly re-write limiting beliefs with ones that assist you during childbirth. Your birth mandala embodies your new beliefs and vision for labor and birth with symbols, images, designs and words.
You will find women's mandalas, journals and their after-birth reflections. From Shannon's healing of past sexual abuse, Amy's strength and courage, to Stacy's power of intention, the themes and revelations are as unique as their mandalas.
Creating a birth mandala is an invaluable gift you give yourself for childbirth. "It is the gift that keeps on giving," exclaims Stacy, a workshop participant.