Morbus Dupuytren is particularly widespread among northern Europeans. However, the therapeutic success-rate often leaves much to be desired. A 50% recurrence-rate after surgery indicates that the disease cannot be treated by surgery alone. This book therefore adopts two parallel approaches: emphasis is firstly placed on the systemic character of morbus Dupuytren in context with other connective tissue diseases by a description of the biochemical and molecular-biological changes in the diseased connective tissues; secondly, a diversified picture of the given anatomical facts serves to explain the employment of the various therapeutic approaches. Further, a description is given of the current surgical procedures.
"... Das Buch ist ausserordentlich grosszügig ausgelegt mit sehr schönen Zeichnungen und ebenso schönen Farbaufnahmen. Für den Erfahrenen stellt es ein wunderschönes Repetitorium dar, für den Anfänger eine fast spannende Darstellung dieser wichtigen Handerkrankung und für den handinteressierten Allgemeinpraktiker ein wertvolles, sehr schönes Lexikon ..." swiss surgery 6/2003