Straddling the wreckage of late capitalist America, the poems in Kenneth Reveiz's MOPES arc urgently toward utopia--or at least they do their best.
Kenneth Reveiz is a poet and screenwriter from New York City who works in the service of racial and economic justice. Of Colombian heritage, Kenneth is the author of three chapbooks of experimental poetry, most recently CULTURAL CHANGE IN USA (Queer.Archive.Work, 2021). At the age of 27 they were elected to the Board of Alders, the legislative body for the City of New Haven, and as the Alder for Ward 14 they helped secure the passage of historic legislation to increase police accountability.A graduate of Yale University, Kenneth received their M.F.A. in Creative Writing from the California Institute of the Arts, where they were a Truman Capote Fellow. MOPES, Kenneth's debut poetry collection, was awarded the Fence Modern Poets Series Prize. Learn more at