In, The Key to the Universe, the author, and her husband provide the reader with a guide to a range of mystical symbols in the world around them, including the mystical significance of numbers and shapes. She shares with the reader that during a particularly dark period, when she herself endured an episode of "soul hunger" she found guidance in symbols around her and hopes that this book will guide others who feel similarly that their lives and their spirituality are
lacking in ways they cannot explain. In this book, Curtiss hopes to explore some of life's bigger questions and provide real answers with mysticism, symbolism, and a deep dedication to spirituality. This book covers the mystical symbols in the world around us, including the mystical significance of numbers and shapes. The authors explain the evolution of man and the
Cosmos, illustrate the cosmic principles of all manifestation, and prove the relationship between the microcosm and the macrocosm mathematically. They also mathematically
demonstrate the principles of Christian Mysticism as expounded by The Order of Christian Mystics (Order of the 15). In addition to giving the spiritual interpretation of the 1st
22 numbers, the authors include an explanation of the esoteric meaning of the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet which correspond to them, together with the symbology of the 22
Major Arcana of the Tarot cards. This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the
original work published in 1917. Please copy and paste the link for our books: