Meet Mawatani, an exceptional 12-year-old Oglala boy. His village considers him to be a future leader. Soon after this story begins, he experiences a life-changing event that impacts him to such an extent, that it challenges everything he has been taught and interferes with who in who he hoped to become.
Join Mawatani on his journey into manhood amidst tragedy, injury, rebellion, discovery, a harrowing experience with a bear, games, bow and arrow contests, a buffalo hunt, sessions with a wise holy man, a step into spiritual awareness, and acceptance of the realities of life that must be faced. The story follows times of enthusiasm, exhilaration and fun, and those of discouragement, frustration and fear. This all leads to Mawatani's first vision quest; his first step into manhood, and a message of who he is to become. Come! Join Mawatani. Meet his friends and become a part of his story. I think you're going to like him and be glad you came along.