Biomedical EPR - Part A focuses on applications of EPR spectroscopy in the areas of free radicals, metals, medicine, and physiology. The book celebrates the 70th birthday of Prof. James S. Hyde, Medical College of Wisconsin, and his contributions to this field. Chapters are written to provide introductory material for new-comers to the field which lead into up-to-date reviews that provide perspective on the wide range of questions that can be addressed by EPR.
Key Features:
-Free Radicals in Medicine
-Radicals in vivo and in Model Systems, and their Study by Spin Trapping
-In vivo EPR, including Oximetry and Imaging
-Time Domain EPR at Radio Frequencies
-EPR of Copper Complexes: Motion and Frequency Dependence
-Time Domain EPR and Electron Spin Echo Envelope Modulation.
Biomedical EPR - Part B focuses on applications of EPR techniques and instrumentation, with applications to dynamics. The book celebrates the 70th birthday of Prof. James S. Hyde, Medical College of Wisconsin, and his contributions to this field. Chapters are written to provide introductory material for new-comers to the field that lead into up-to-date reviews that provide perspective on the wide range of questions that can be addressed by EPR.
Key Features:
-EPR Techniques including Saturation Recovery, ENDOR, ELDOR, and Saturation Transfer
-Instrumentation Innovations including Loop Gap Resonators, Rapid Mixing, and Time Locked Sub-Sampling
-Motion in Biological Membranes
-Applications to Structure Determination in Proteins
-Discussion of Trends in EPR Technology and Prognosis for the Future.