Classic Italian film poster art is renowned as being among the most innovative, creative and dynamic of its kind. From the post-war period through to early 1990s, Italian artists consistently produced posters with sumptuously stunning designs and seductive imagery - not least in the science fiction genre, for which compositions often included curvaceous female figures in jeopardy, juxtaposed with the iconography of unreal terrors.
Terrors From Worlds Unknown collects 150 science fiction film posters by a wide range of acclaimed Italian artists, created for both indigenous and world-wide film productions. The collection features full-color, full-page reproductions illustrating classic SF tropes from space exploration and alien invasions to aberrant experimentation and bizarre human mutations, as well as science fantasy sub-genres such as lost worlds, giant monsters and fumetto-inspired superhero narratives. Terrors From Worlds Unknown presents a vivid pictorial history of science fiction cinema expressed in its most immediate and eye-catching form.