Cassie Werber is a writer, journalist and podcaster.
She was senior reporter at Quartz, covering topics as diverse as workplace equity and climate change, and appearing on CNN, Sky News, the BBC, and NPR. She has written for The Wall Street Journal, The Economist, and the Guardian, as well as other international publications. She was also co-director of popular journalism and tech meetup Hacks Hackers London.
As co-founder of theatre company ChoppedLogic she co-wrote and performed in Paramour; wrote and directed The Runaround, and wrote and directed Double Negative, which reached the third round of Soho Theatre's Verity Bargate award and was Time Out Critics' Choice. Her screenplays ANMER and REWILD were both shortlisted for 4Screenwriting. She trained in journalism in Denmark, Amsterdam and at City University, London; in theatre at Central School of Speech and Drama; and in English Literature at Clare College, Cambridge.
Open Season is her first novel. |